May 9, 2019

LimnoTech’s Heather Bourne and Steve Skripnik will be presenting at the Water Environment Federation (WEF) 2019 Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Symposium taking place from May 8-10 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This inaugural event will feature stormwater professionals from all backgrounds presenting session topics ranging from coastal resiliency strategies to green infrastructure operation and maintenance.

Heather will give a presentation co-authored by Grace LeRose on behalf of the City of Richmond’s Department of Public Utilities (DPU). Heather will discuss Richmond’s approach to integrated planning and integrated NPDES permitting. She will speak about the three-pronged approach used in the project, challenges that were faced, and how project successes are now translating into successful implementation of DPU’s Integrated Plan. Heather’s talk is titled “Richmond, Virginia’s RVAH2O Clean Water Plan – Integrating Permitting and Program Implementation.” The presentation will be Friday, May 10, Session 8, in Room 209/210 at 9:00 am.

Steve will be presenting with Amanda Zander of Delon Hampton & Associates and Seth Charde of DC Water. They will discuss DC Water’s Downspout Disconnection Program. Steve will take a part in describing the program and the innovative mobile data collection framework used to document and implement it. Steve’s co-talk is titled “DC Water’s Mobile Data Collection Program for Downspout Disconnection.” The presentation will be Friday, May 10, Session 15, in Room 203/204 at 3:00 pm.

If you are attending the conference, stop by to listen to Heather and Steve discuss some of our latest advancements in green infrastructure and stormwater treatment, as well as other innovative approaches and technologies we are employing to help cities improve water quality in urban areas.

You can also contact Heather at or Steve at

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